July 31, 2012

We had an amazing Sunday in Moss at the dogshow there. Our little Adoreas Ridged Chloe (l) BOB-puppy. Her mom, NORDJW-10 Adoreas Ridged Arwen CAC and 2nd best bitch, and her aunt Adoreas Ridged Almea Exc-4 from Open Class. I also showed our Toller boy to a CAC, so Kennel Adorea got 2 of 2 possible CAC this day! I'm so proud!
ADOREABLOGGEN er oppdatert!
PICTURES of Mea and Cola up in the mountains.

July 28, 2012

Hipp Hurray for Adoreas Ridged A-litter who turnes 3 years today! Adoreas Ridged Alhwin, Athos, Arwen, Almea, Akeela, Anella, Akilah and Aurora!!!!! On the picture: Arwen tonight!
ADOREABLOGGEN er oppdatert!

July 22, 2012

ADOREABLOGGEN er oppdatert! Lots of pictures of our dogs!

July 18, 2012

ADOREABLOGGEN er oppdatert! Lots of pictures of our dogs!

Adoreas Ridged Chewbecca from the show Saturday (read more about that in older news)

July 16, 2012

New pictures of our darling Cola HERE!
ADOREABLOGGEN er oppdatert! Lots of photos of our dogs there!

July 14, 2012

We are so proud today! The first C-puppy has been to a show, and one of the biggest shows we have. The Swedish RR Specialty. Adorea Ridged Chewbecca became 2nd best puppy bitch with this wonderful critique:  "Good overall promising puppy, very well angulated in front and rear, very nice front, her underjaw is à bit weak, moves very well " So proud of you, Pillan!
ADOREABLOGGEN er oppdatert!

July 13, 2012

ADOREABLOGGEN er oppdatert! There is lots of pictures of our ridgies!

Geotellus, Mea, Almea, Chloe, Cola and Arwen

July 12, 2012

Mange nye innlegg i ADOREABLOGGEN! Den oppdateres nesten daglig (lots of pictures of our dogs)!

Adoreas Ridged Chewbecca

July 6, 2012

ADOREABLOGGEN er oppdatert! New pictures!

Dexter, Troja, Cola and Caprice

July 1, 2012

ADOREABLOGGEN is updated with a lovely picture of NORDJW-10 Adoreas Ridged Arwen and her friend Toro.
Lovely Adoreas Ridged ChewBecca posing in the ADOREABLOGGEN!
Handsome Adoreas Ridged Compis 4 months old has done some posing with Hilde (BeyoBel):