May 30, 2012

ADOREABLOGGEN er oppdatert med testing av flåtthalsbånd!

May 28, 2012

What a weekend for Kennel Adorea at the Norwegian Ridgeback Specialty! Our Rex Ventors Mea Adorea 4th best bitch (out of 61)!! Her daughter NORDJW-10 Adoreas Ridged Arwen gained Excellent and got her ribbon for BEST AGILITY RIDGEBACK 2011. And her son Adoreas Ridged Barclay BOS puppy yesterday, and daughter Adoreas Ridged Billie 2nd best puppy bitch 4-6 months!

Adoreas Ridged Barclay BOS-puppy (he was BOB puppy 4-6 months and then beat the 6-9 months old male puppy) at the Norwegian Ridgeback Special 2012. BOB-puppy Kangelanis Mega Hit Mila! This is his very first outing in the ring!!! I'm so proud of our boy! Judge Jacki Jackson, South Africa. Critique: "Very nice ballanced puppy. Good color, lovely head, good tailset, moved well for his age. Very nice"

Rex Ventors Mea Adorea 4th best bitch! In an extremely hard competiton! This is what judge Jacki Jackson (South Africa) thought about her: "Very nice lady. Lovely head with good earset. Nice neck. Good front. Good topline. Nice hindquaters. Moved well covered ground. In lovely condition." I just loved the comment "in lovely condition"! Mea is 6 years old and only 6 months ago she gave birth to her 2nd litter. 

Adoreas Ridged Billie 2nd best bitch puppy 4-6 months

And to top the weekend for Kennel Adorea: NORDJW-10 Adoreas Ridged Arwen with her BEST AGILITY RIDGEBACK 2011 ribbon!!!!!!

May 25, 2012

We are on our way to the Norwegian Ridgeback Special! We will spend the whole weekend with friends and lots of beautiful Ridgeback! Juhuu!

Mea, Cola, Barclay and Arwen. Billie is riding her own car with Camilla and Knut.

May 23, 2012

ADOREABLOGGEN er oppdatert!

Adoreas Ridged Cola and Barclay, with "aunt" Madahiros Joyful Lioness by Gatsvy behind.

May 19, 2012

Rapport og bilder fra forrige helg i ADOREABLOGGEN!

Adoreas Ridged Almea at the Agility Competition

May 17, 2012

ADOREABLOGGEN er oppdatert!

Adoreas Ridged Cola

May 12, 2012

We have had an very nice day at NKK Agder today. Rex Ventors Mea Adorea gained Excellent and was placed 4th in class. Her daugher Adoreas Ridged Almea also gained Excellent and was 3rd in class. Almea also competed in Agility and was 6th in class!!! :-) NORDJW-10 Adoreas Ridged Arwen was cheerleader (couldn't participate because it's too close to when she gave birth). And the little ones Adores Ridged Barclay and Billie also cheered. The very little ones Cola and Chloe are too small to enter the area, so they slept in the car and meet up with the others outside the place. Thank you all for great company!

May 11, 2012

ADOREABLOGGEN er oppdatert!

May 6, 2012

Pictures of Cola by the sea in the PUPPY BLOG!

May 5, 2012

Today we brought the our girls Cola, Chloe and Almea to the city Tvedestrand. Pics HERE!
ADOREABLOGGEN er oppdatert!

May 2, 2012

Adoreas Ridged Cimba (the new name of Cognac) has now his own new family. Info HERE!

Adoreas Ridged Cimba