April 30, 2012

I'm so pleased with all the feecback from the C-puppies in new homes!
All Adoreas Ridged ChewBecca's adventures are pictured in their blog. Love it! Link HERE!

Adoreas Ridged ChewBecca and the cows.

April 29, 2012

We are in HUNDESPORT this month. Page 17 HERE, page 18 HERE, and page 24 HERE!

Adoreas Ridged Cimba

April 27, 2012

ADOREABLOGGEN er oppdatert!
Adoreas Ridged Chika has left for her new home. More info HERE!
Info about Adoreas Ridged Cola HERE!

Our new girl, Adoreas Ridged Cola

April 26, 2012

9 pups have now left for their new homes! The reports are just great, and it makes me so proud!
Some pictures from a trip to the woods HERE!
Read more about:
Adoreas Ridged ChewBecca HERE!
Adoreas Ridged Coda HERE!
Adoreas Ridged Cera HERE!
Adoreas Ridged Cuba HERE!
Adoreas Ridged Chloe HERE!
Adoreas Ridged Cayla HERE!
Adoreas Ridged Chira HERE!
Adoreas Ridged Cicero HERE!
Adoreas Ridged Compis HERE!

Adoreas Ridged Cera

April 23, 2012

Lots of new pictures of the pups HERE!

Chloe, Arwen, Cola and Almea.

April 22, 2012

The pups meet horses HERE!
Mr Brown is looking for a home! More info HERE!

Mr Brown

April 21, 2012

Lots of pictures of our beach girls and boys, and Helle with pups in the PUPPY BLOG!

April 20, 2012

New pictures from the gang this morning HERE!
At Wednesday we were at a school. See more HERE!
Pictures form the porch HERE!
Lots of new pictures HERE!

April 18, 2012

The pups with kids HERE!

April 17, 2012

Today the pups have been to the vet. More HERE!
After the visit to the vet, we vent to the woods. Pictures HERE!

April 16, 2012

We have had many excursions the last days.
Headpics of our puppies HERE!
Pictures from the excursion to the woods HERE!
Lovely pictures from a new trip to another garden HERE!

April 14, 2012

Picture of Mea and granddaughter HERE!
Yesterday Arwen’s mom, Mea, came home from Easter Holyday. And then it’s time for some cuddling in the sofa:

April 12, 2012

Lots of pictures from the C-litter's day outside HERE!
Pictures from a Adorea Ridgeback meeting HERE! And a video from the meeting HERE!
Pictures of the puppies HERE! And a video of the pups this morning HERE!
HERE is a picture of B-litter daddy Argos.
ADOREABLOGGEN er oppdatert!

April 8, 2012

Daddy Arjuna is here to visit his pups and us! Pictures in the PUPPY BLOG!

April 6, 2012

New pictures in the PUPPY BLOG!

April 4, 2012

Pictures of Adoreas Ridged Boa HERE!
One more name of the C's in the PUPPY BLOG!
ADOREABLOGGEN er oppdatert!

Adoreas Ridged Boa (Mea - Argos)

April 2, 2012

Pictures of the pups and Toller Caprice HERE
Some of the names of our C-puppies are decided, and you can see them in the PUPPY BLOG! ADOREABLOGGEN er også oppdatert med valperutiner!

April 1, 2012

We have had lots of visitors this weekend, and we have taken lots of new pictures. See them in the PUPPY BLOG!  Og ADOREABLOGGEN er oppdatert!